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Bullying Awareness Week

Make bullying stop
Posted on 11/09/2018

Bullying Awareness Week is right around the corner, so it’s a good time to reflect on how we’re doing at combating this toxic behaviour.

First the good news: according to recent statistics, reports of students being bullied in Ontario schools have dropped significantly since around the turn of the millennium.

Now the not-so-good news: about one in five students – more than 191,000 of them – still reported being bullied over the internet in 2017.

With the increased use of technological devices, bullying has clearly moved in to cyberspace. We’ve known this for a while now.

But here’s some more good news: research has proven that bullying can be stopped over time when we respond quickly and consistently, and when we send the message that this negative behaviour is not acceptable.

Bullying is repeated, persistent and aggressive behaviour that’s intended to cause fear, distress and harm to another person's body, feelings, self-esteem or reputation – and that contradicts the Gospel values of our Catholic faith.

Whether it's aggressive and intimidating behaviour in person or via cyberspace, bullying can have serious impacts on a student's ability to learn, as well as long-term negative consequences for their emotional, psychological, and spiritual growth.

That’s why creating school communities that are free from bullying is one of our main objectives.

November 18-24 is Bullying Awareness Week.

During this week, let’s take some time to think about what we can do to stop bullying now, and throughout the entire year.

Here are some excellent resources  on how you can spot the signs of bullying and how you can prevent it from happening.

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