Regular Board Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Highlights
Regular Board Meetings shall be held on the evening of the fourth Tuesday in each month, except in the months of March, specifically during March Break, July, August, and December and when regular meetings shall be held at the discretion of the Board.
All meetings will be held in the John Paul II Board Room at the Catholic Education Centre 1325 California Avenue, Windsor, Ontario @ 7:00 pm
The Regular Board meeting will be posted to the website the Wednesday preceding the meeting after 2:30 P.M.
Committee of the Whole Board In-Camera Meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm (closed sessions).
Please be advised that there are individuals within the Catholic Education Centre who are sensitive to fragrances and/or scented products which can pose a health risk. We kindly ask meeting attendants to refrain from wearing fragrances and/or scented products.
Making a Presentation at a Regular Board Meeting
Board By-Laws - Respecting the Operational Procedures of the Board
A pdf version of the Board Bylaws
is available.
The Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board welcomes and values public input from students, parents, and taxpayers about its policies, practices, issues, and its overall education system.
If you are interested in making a presentation at a Regular Board Meeting, please complete the Delegation Request Form. Presentations at Regular Board Meetings shall be limited to matters on the agenda.
Delegation Request Form
Archived Board Meetings
Archives from Board Meetings can be found here.