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40 Hour Community Involvement


For the 2023-24 school year.  All students are required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement activities as a requirement of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).

Students who are looking for community involvement opportunities should:

  • make sure they know which activities qualify for the community involvement requirement;
  • check with their school guidance department for a list of eligible and ineligible activities, as well as, resources to help them record hours and find volunteer activities;
  • visit the Ontario Volunteer Centre Network to find opportunities through a centre in their community;
  • Consider virtual volunteering opportunities such as tutoring, connecting with seniors;
  • ask their principal or guidance counsellor for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click here for the 40 Hour Community Involvement information Booklet & Form

1. To whom does the 40 Hours Community Involvement graduation requirement apply? 
Every student must complete 40 Hours of Community Involvement in order to graduate.

2. What choices do the students have? There are three specific types of Community Involvement. They are: 

Help Your Community, Help Your Neighbours, & Help Your School

3. Who decides what constitutes "Community Involvement"? 
The Information Manual clearly delineates both eligible and ineligible activities. Refer to pages 4 to 6.
Questionable activities will receive the school Principal's consideration.

4. Can Grade 8 students start their Community Involvement? 

Yes. Grade 8 students can begin earning community service hours from the summer between Grade 8 and 9 until their graduation in Grade 12.

5. What is the procedure if a school is contacted by a community agency requesting students' Community Involvement with their organization? 
A partnership has been established between the local school boards and the Windsor-Essex County United Way and they will provide the necessary information to interested community agencies.

6. What is the role of United Way? 
United Way will act as a resource to assist non-profit community organizations to prepare for the 40 Hour Community Involvement for students.

7. Can a student/parent /guardian arrange a placement with a community organization that has not been reviewed by the Windsor-Essex County United Way?
Yes, as long as the activity is included on the List of Eligible Activities on pages 4 to 5 in the Information Manual.

8. What if a student/parent/guardian feels uncomfortable with a proposed Community Involvement activity? 
In fulfilling the 40 Hours of Community Involvement the student/parent/guardian is responsible for making appropriate choices. Choose wisely.

9. What if a student get hurts while completing the 40 Hours of Community Involvement? 
Students/parents/guardians are encouraged to purchase Student Accident Insurance which is available through the schools. Page 11 in the Community Involvement Information Manual addresses additional insurance issues.

10. What if the student loses the "Completion of Community Involvement Activities" form? 
Students are responsible for submitting their "Completion of Community Involvement Activities" form to their home school for data entry.

11. What happens when the 40 Hours of Community Involvement are completed? 
The completed 40 hour requirement will be recorded on the Report Card and on the Ontario Student Transcript.


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