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Student Health/Allergies

The Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board Scent Awareness Program is a Joint Health and Safety Committee recommendation. The goal of the Health and Safety Committee is to assist the Board in creating and maintain a healthy and safe environment for all employees. The Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board along with the Joint Health and Safety Committee are asking all staff, students and the community to participate by being more aware of the impact of scented personal care products have on the health of others especially those with scent allergies.

Personal care products that may effect an individual with scent allergies are defined as the following:

  • Perfume, cologne, aftershave lotion
  • Deodorant
  • Hair care products, eg. Shampoos, conditioners, gels, mousse, hairspray, etc.
  • Hand and body soap and lotions
  • Scented Makeup
  • Scented Shaving cream
  • Sunscreen
  • Laundry soap and Fabric Softener
  • Dryer fabric softener sheets
  • Air fresheners, scented candles, etc.

The Board along with the Joint Health and Safety Committee asks for your support in eliminating the use of scented products while visiting our building for any events such as, retirement banquets, workshops, meetings, after hour school events such as basketball games, field trips, masses, graduations, parent/teacher interviews, classroom events, etc. and for any other reason you may visit our buildings. We ask that you choose alternative scent free products. By making these choices, you will be helping all of us to reach our goal in creating a healthy and safe environment for everyone.

We thank you for your cooperation!

School Allergies

List of Allergies within schoolsExternal link

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