The Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board is committed to providing access to its services for members of the public with disabilities. Services will be provided in a manner that reflects the key principles of independence, dignity, integration and equality of opportunity.
Anyone wishing to review the Board's policy detailing these guiding principles and directing the establishment of procedures and the training of Board employees, may click on A: 31 Accessibility Standards for Customer Service. To review Board procedures addressing notification of disruption of service, use of assistive devices, use of support persons and service animals, and monitoring and feedback, please click on Administrative Procedure Pr A: 31 Accessibility Standards for Customer Service.
Requests for copies of the policy/procedure documents or for information contained in the documents in an alternate format can be forwarded to Colleen Norris, Manager of Human Resources and Policy Development, in the manner detailed below; can be presented in person at the Catholic Education Centre, 1325 California Avenue; or can be presented to the Principal at any of the Board's schools.
Should you wish to provide feedback on the Board's provision of services to customers with disabilities, please contact Colleen Norris as follows:
Superintendent of Human Resources
Colleen Norris
(519) 253-2481 ext. 1122
Should your feedback require action or resolution, you will be provided with follow up.