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Immaculate Conception Catholic Elementary School

Bell Times

 Early Entry - Safe Arrival 9:00
 Start of the Day Bell  9:15 am
 Nutrition/Activity Break  10:55 am- 11:35 am
 Nutrition/Activity Break  1:15 pm - 1:55 pm
 End of Day Bell  3:35 pm

Principal's Message

Relationships are very important, and everyone deserves to be treated with respect.  At our school, we work in partnership, with students, staff, parents/guardians, the parish, and the community together to ensure that our school is a welcoming, inclusive, friendly and safe place. 


Mission Statement

  “In diversity, there is beauty and strength.”

Within our Immaculate Conception School community, we honour and accept the uniqueness of each individual and embrace diverse backgrounds, values, and perspectives to build a strong, inclusive school. One where students and adults are welcomed and supported and where their faces, voices and experiences are reflected and valued. We continue to build on our teaching practices, providing each student with the opportunity to thrive academically, athletically, socially and emotionally.

Address 465 Victoria Ave, Windsor, Ontario, N9A 4N1
Phone (519) 256-9156
Fax (519) 256-0792
Principal Heather Best
Secretary Amelia Seixas
Transportation First Student Canada | ph: (519) 969-0184
Trustee Bernie Mastromattei | ph: (519) 253-2116
Superintendent  Mona Taouil
Family of Schools Catholic Central High School

Immaculate Conception Catholic Elementary School
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Elementary School
St. Angela Catholic Elementary School
Catholic School Council Firas Admon
Boundary Click for BoundaryExternal link

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