To make paying school fees easier, the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board is now accepting online payments. School Cash Online allows parents and community members to pay school-related fees online safely, quickly, and easily. With School Cash Online, you can purchase items like spirit wear, lunches, and field trips. Anytime, anywhere.
How to Register?
1) Sign up for Free!
All you need is an email address.
2) Find your Student
All of your students are here!
3) Purchase School Items
Your student’s school items are waiting.
Benefits of using School Cash Online
With School Cash Online, you can pay all your student’s school fees with the click of a button. Trips to the school to drop-off cash or sending your student with money will be a thing of the past!
Keeping track of what’s going on at your student’s school can be overwhelming. With School Cash Online, you can easily manage all of the items and activities your student needs.
When you use School Cash Online, you can feel confident knowing we use industry leading practices to protect your information.
Need support?
For technical help, please call Parent Help Desk: 1-866-961-1803
For student information, please contact your school: Click here for list of schools
Supporting Documents