Which Catholic School Should I Attend?
To determine which Catholic school your child should attend, please use the GeoQuery Tool. Click here for GeoQuery
Click here for a complete list of schools
Families have two options to Register
Option 1: Online Registration
In order to register online, you must have an Aspen account.
If you do not have an account, please follow instructions here before clicking on the register button below: Online Registration Parent Process Instructions
IMPORTANT: Please use a computer, laptop or Chromebook when completing the online registration form.

If you are having technical difficulties with online registration, please call 519-253-2481 ext. 1243.
Option 2: Request a Registration Package
You can request a registration package by calling or visiting the school in which you are interested in registering your child. Click here for a complete school directory.
The following documentation will be required for BOTH registration options
- Proof of age of the child (birth certificate or passport).
- Roman Catholic baptismal certificate for child and/or parent/guardian.
- Updated immunization records (this can be filled out online through the health unit website.

- Proof of Canadian citizenship (birth certificate, passport or permanent resident status) *Students of parents who are in Canada on a work or study permit may also apply.
- Proof of home address (property tax bill or current utility bill).
- Please note: Non-Catholics seeking admission should review ST01 Student Admission (Elementary) and consult with their local school Principal
Once documentation has been verified by the school, registration is approved and the student will be enrolled.
Assessment Information
Upon registering your child with the WECDSB, and prior to a municipal election, you may wish to ensure that your taxes are being directed to support publicly funded Catholic education. You can learn more about that here.
Please check with the Board's assessment department to be sure that your taxes support the Catholic Education system. Contact us at (519) 253-2481 ext. 1218 (Do Not call this number for questions about school registration)
Translation services are available for some languages at the New Canadians' Centre of Excellence. Call (519) 258-4076.