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Character Development Initiative

Journey LogThe Character Development Initiative was launched in October 2006 at a provincial symposium attended by educators, students, parents, trustees and community members. It is the Ministry of Education's expectation that all publicly funded school boards in Ontario will implement the Character Development Initiative during the 2007 - 2008 school year. The Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board set up a focus group consisting of Senior Administration, School Administration and Teachers to take a lead on this project. As a publicly funded Catholic school system this initiative provided for us an opportunity to celebrate our uniqueness as Catholics, while at the same time to revisit and rename what we already have in practice - Catholic Character Development.

In the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board, our faith is the leaven for all other curriculum. Through the development of our theological theme "Our Journey To Holiness," faith is infused into every aspect of our school life. Our teachers provide classrooms that reflect a gospel atmosphere of respect and a life-long commitment of service to humanity.

Our Journey To Holiness highlights an overall Catholic Theme, a Virtue, and a Statement of Belief that find their source from the individual Religion programs from Junior Kindergarten to Grade Twelve. In keeping with our Board's motto, the Learning Through Faith and the Learning Through Service components provide examples of how we actively live out our call to holiness at school and in the community at large.

All elementary and secondary teachers are encouraged to use the suggestions provided to guide their program planning and delivery. Applying the Catholic themes will provide strong connections between the pursuit of academic excellence and religious education. Catholic education is a gift and as Catholic teachers, we believe strongly that each student deserves the formation of mind, body and soul. Therefore, daily plans should visibly reflect the grade appropriate theme along with the Catholic Graduate Expectations.

As Catholic Educators, we respond to the call to lead our students to live lives that reflect the gospel teachings. Our curriculum is a means of evangelization when viewed through the lens of faith. Through Our Journey To Holiness, we will strive, as a partnership of school, family and parish, to provide our students with a quality Catholic education rooted in Gospel teachings and drawn from the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church, enabling all to grow to their potential.

"What does God ask of you but to do justice, and love tenderly, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8

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