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ESL Adult Students

All WECDSB adult students learning English as a Second Language attend St. Michael's Catholic High School. This school is exclusively for adults, and the dedicated staff is committed to helping motivated learners achieve their goals. All ESL credits count towards a high school diploma, and depending on life experience and previous academic records, students can graduate in as little as six months.


Language Assessment and Placement

  • Our experienced staff members will assess the language skills of all new students and place them in credit courses earned towards an Ontario Secondary School Graduate Diploma.
  • Our staff uses the STEP (Steps to English Proficiency) resource to determine students' oral, written, and reading skills. They place tremendous importance on ensuring that students are placed in the appropriate program  - whether that is ESL or ELD (A through E) - and that they are getting the support they need to succeed.
  • Our staff conduct in-depth interviews with all prospective students to ensure that they are getting a complete picture of their educational, cultural, and personal background so that they are appropriately placed.

Face-to-Face Day ESL Classes

  • Use English to communicate effectively in a variety of social settings
  • Use English to achieve academically in all subject areas
  • Integrate confidently into mainstream courses
  • Function effectively in a society increasingly committed to the use of information technology
  • Participate fully in the social, economic, political, and cultural life of your community
  • These courses count towards your Ontario Secondary School Diploma completion

Virtual ESL Day Classes

  • Virtual offers students the same experience as a face-to-face learning environment; however, the class is run through Google Classroom & live Google meets

Night School Face-to-Face Classes

  • Night school classes are an excellent option for those students who work during the day


PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment Recognition) Assessment

  • PLAR is an assessment tool used to determine if a student's previous life experience can be counted towards their OSSD diploma
  • Depending on their life experiences, students could earn up to 26 credits. For example, having a family, previous native country certificates, CPR courses, volunteer experience, work experience, and extracurricular activities may all be considered as possible credits.

For a complete list of adult services, visit our website at
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