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Pathways and Course Selections for Grades 11 & 12

It is hard to believe that your high school journey is already halfway through.  The next two years are sure to fly by just as quickly!

When entering Grade 11, the types of courses available will change.  The following types of courses are offered:

Open (O) - these courses are appropriate for all students regardless of post-secondary destination.

Workplace (E) - these courses prepare students to move directly into the workforce, apprenticeship or self-employment/ entrepreneurship.  

College (C)- these courses provide students with the knowledge to meet entrance requirements for most college programs and  emphasize concrete applications of course theories while also developing problem-solving skills.

University/College (M)- courses that are relevant for both college or university but meet very specific requirements for certain programs. Emphasize both theory and application of course content.

University (U)- provide students with the knowledge to meet requirements for university programs with strong emphasis on theoretical aspects of course content.

Many courses have PREREQUISITES.  Prerequisite refers to the level of course needed to be eligible to take the next level of course.  For example, MPM2D1, Grade 10 Academic Math, is a prerequisite for taking MCR3U1, Grade 11 University Functions.  

When planning for your post-secondary education, it is important to consider the prerequisites that are needed and the impact this will have on your course selection in Grades 11 and 12. 

If you are missing a necessary prerequisite for your post-secondary education, speak with your Guidance Counsellor as they may have suggestions for attaining your goals.

What is a Pathway?

It is important to recognize and understand course choices and how they relate to your desired PATHWAY.

Your PATHWAY is your destination RIGHT OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL… It does not mean the rest of your life.  A person’s path can change.

How do I Determine My PATHWAY?
What is your pathway and how will that affect your course selection in Grades 11 & 12?

World of Work
  • Complete all OSSD requirements
  • Complete all OSSD requirements
  • Senior Math requirements
  • Complete all OSSD requirements
  • Grade 12 C or U English
  • Prerequisites for college program (do your research at
  • Complete all OSSD requirements
  • Grade 12 U English plus minimum of 5 additional grade 12 courses at the U or M level
  • Prerequisites for university program (do your research at

*Many colleges offer DEGREE programs. There are also many TRANSFER PATHWAYS and articulation agreements between colleges and universities for students to transfer their college diploma credits towards a university degree program.

New programs and opportunities are constantly becoming available. It is never too early to start planning for your future.

All of this might seem overwhelming, but our WECDSB high schools offer a team of professionals to help you with your choices. Parents and students are encouraged to reach out to their school’s teachers and guidance counsellors when they have questions. Attend college and university Open Houses to learn more about future programs. As you learn and grow, your goals and aspirations may change. Each new experience can open a new and exciting door for your future.

Above all, remember that you are never alone on this journey. We’re with you all the way!
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