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Graduation Coach for Black, African & Caribbean Students

The Ministry of Education provides funding to the WECDSB to provide intensive, culturally responsive support to Black, African & Caribbean students by hiring graduation coaches with lived experience and connections to Ontario’s diverse Black communities. 

These advisors work with school staff and school board leadership and offer direct support and mentorship to Black students to support their well-being and academic achievement. 

The program also helps to promote greater access to postsecondary opportunities so that when they graduate, students can get the specialized training they need to enter well-paid, skilled careers. 

The Graduation coach at the WECDSB is Sydnie Moore.

Sydnie Moore 

What is a Graduation Coach?

The Graduation Coach Program for Black, African and Caribbean students is a targeted initiative that will aid in the support of self-identified Black students along with their families and the community with the overall goal of seeing each self-identifying student achieve credits, graduate & successfully transition into post-secondary and/or the workforce.

How do we support students?

  • Mentorship and goal building
  • Preparation and aid in Secondary to Post-Secondary transitions
  • Increased student well-being
  • Learn and be a part of Black-led initiatives and events
  • Workshops and network building
  • Supporting course credits and community service accumulation

Our Mission

To Know
To know and welcome our self-identified Black, African, and Caribbean students. We as a board must know, identify and acknowledge the systemic barriers and racial inequalities in the Canadian Educational system to help improve educational outcomes for our Black Student population.

To Inspire
To inspire, guide, nurture, and support our self-identified Black, African and Caribbean students along the way to academic betterment.

To Empower
To empower our Black, African and Caribbean students by providing them with knowledge, skills, and mentorship that is on a level that builds their reality and understanding of their identity by inspiring a sense of pride and building a deeper connection to their roots and community.
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