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Busing and immunization information available

First Ride for new bus riders
Posted on 08/15/2023

We hope you and your child are looking forward to beginning school soon.

If your child is attending school for the first time, we wanted to let you know about a couple of opportunities to help them prepare for a great head start.

On Aug. 29 the transportation consortium that provides busing for all local school boards will hold the First Ride program. If your child will be riding the bus, this will be a great opportunity for them to get familiar with the process before school starts.

You can find out more information about the program, and register for it, right here.

On the same day, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit will hold school readiness events for parents to learn more about immunization requirements and other health-related school information.

The events will be held on Aug. 29 at the following times and locations (these are the same locations for the First Ride program):

St. Thomas of Villanova Catholic High School (8:30 am to 12:30 pm; 3:30 pm to 7 pm)

2800 County Road #8, LaSalle

École Sec L’Essor (9 am to 12 pm; 4 to 7 pm)

13605 St. Gregory, Tecumseh

Kingsville District High School (9 am to 12 pm)

170 Main Street East, Kingsville

Leamington District Secondary School (4 to 7 pm)

80 Oak Street West, Leamington

F.W. Begley School (9 am to 12 pm; 4 to 7 pm)

1093 Assumption Street, Windsor

All families are welcome to attend these events at any of these locations regardless of which school their children are enrolled in.

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