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Ministry to announce disclosure policy

Vaccination Policy
Posted on 08/17/2021

The Ministry of Education announced today that it intends to introduce a vaccination disclosure policy for all publicly-funded school board employees as well as for all staff in licensed child care settings for the 2021-22 school year, with rapid antigen testing requirements for staff who are not immunized against COVID-19. 

Our senior administrative team will continue to work closely with the Ministry of Education and our colleagues at the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit on determining how this policy will be implemented in the best interest of our staff, students and their families.

More information on how this policy will be implemented will be made public as it becomes available.

In addition, the province will extend eligibility to the Pfizer vaccine to children born in 2009. Starting on Wednesday, August 18, 2021, all children turning 12 years old before the end of 2021 will be eligible to receive their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and can book their appointment through the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, pharmacies, or walk-in vaccination clinics across the province.

The Ontario government is also working with public health units and school boards to run voluntary vaccination clinics in or nearby schools to make vaccines even more convenient and accessible for eligible students, their families, educators and school staff returning to school this fall. We will provide information about those local vaccination clinics as it becomes available.

In the meantime, today’s full announcement from the provincial government can be found here.

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