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Vital knowledge about Indigenous people's history

Indigenous History Month
Posted on 06/11/2021
NIPH graphic

June is National Indigenous History Month and students throughout the WECDSB will be learning vital knowledge about the invaluable contributions Indigenous people have made to the fabric of our society.

“Whether they are writers, athletes, scientists, artists or activists, Indigenous people have played an extremely important role in developing relationships and helping to define our nation,” said Rosemary LoFaso, Superintendent of Education, whose portfolios include equity and diversity. “When learning about the true history of our country, our students need to recognize the cultural diversity of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples, and how these various groups and individuals have contributed to shaping who we are collectively as a Canadian society.”

With the recent discovery of the remains of 215 children at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, supporting Indigenous students, highlighting the struggles of Indigenous people to maintain their cultural identity, and teaching all students about the need for truth and reconciliation has never been more important, said Darlene Marshall, the board's Indigenous Education lead.

“We know that this work must extend beyond a day or a month,” she said. “It is important that we continue to incorporate learning about Indigenous ways of knowing, hosting interactive events, and inviting Indigenous voices into the classroom. These are all ways we can continue to prioritize and celebrate the perspectives of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples all year long.”

As an example of how this learning can inspire people to act for meaningful change, Marshall pointed to Angelo Lucier, a Grade 6 student who has independently learned more about residential schools and is now conducting a letter writing campaign calling on the federal government to enshrine the International Declaration of Indigenous Rights into Canadian law.

To support learning and engagement, the board will offer a variety of activities and programs with local community partners throughout the month, with special emphasis on National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21. 


  • Streaming a virtual celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day June 21, with Grandmother’s Voice who will be hosting performances of song, dance, art, music and stories of First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples.
  • Classroom sessions highlighting local Anishinaabe teachings of “summer solstice” and the “Strawberry Moon”.
  • Celebrating the graduation of Indigenous students with the delivery of “Student Bundles”
  • Connecting with and supporting our Indigenous families of WECDSB with the delivery of medicine bundles 

Learn more about our Indigenous Education programs here.
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