At the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board we are committed to knowing every student and fostering a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for all. That’s why we are launching “Know Me”, a WECDSB Census designed for students to tell us more about themselves so that we can better meet their needs.
In 2021-2022, we launched a pilot initiative for Grade 9-12 students at Assumption College Catholic High School and Catholic Central High School. For more information about what we learned from the pilot project, please select the Pilot Project Findings menu item on the left.
This year, “Know Me” is being launched for all students in Grades JK-12. The Student Census survey will be available from Nov. 14-25. Collecting information through this survey will help us to identify, eliminate and respond to systemic barriers to student success; create more equitable and inclusive school environments, and further support student achievement and well-being in targeted and intentional ways.
As part of a Ministry of Education initiative, we will be asking questions on identity based on the Ontario Human Rights Code. These include: Indigenous identity, race, ethnic origin, religion, first language, gender, disability, status in Canada and socioeconomic status. In addition to these questions, students in Grades 9-12 will be asked questions pertaining to gender identity and sexual orientation. Questions regarding self-identification are bound by the Anti-Racism Data Standards, under the Anti-Racism Act (2017).
Parents of students in JK-Grade 8 will be given the opportunity to complete the student survey on behalf of their child. Parents will be able to access the student survey through their child’s secure mytools2go account. Students in Grade 9-12 will be provided with a link to the survey through their secure mytools2go account and will be given the opportunity to participate in the census during school time. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes, and will be completed online. For reference purposes only, a copy of each survey can be found in the menu on the left side of this page.
Families will receive a parent letter/consent form for the student census K-12. If parents decide not to participate, then they can complete the bottom portion of the letter and return it to the school principal by November 1, 2022. Participation is voluntary; students can choose not to participate in the survey, or only answer some of the questions. They can also stop participating if they change their mind. All responses will be confidential: students will not be identified by their name.
The confidential information collected will be linked to other data available at the Board to improve planning for their learning. We are interested in the experience of all students. We will summarize the information provided and communicate the results.
We want to hear the voices of all our students. If you have any questions regarding the WECDSB census, please do not hesitate to contact your school principal.