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School Supports

At the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board, we understand that mental health and well-being are important to student success and directly aligns with academic achievement and social-emotional development. We strive to promote student mental health by creating welcoming, caring and inclusive learning environments where diversity is recognized, respected and celebrated, and where every student is engaged as an active, contributing member of our Catholic learning communities.

WECDSB is committed to promoting mental wellness through a variety of resources and supports coordinated by our centralized Mental Health Services Team. Through 3 tiers of support, students have access to a range of resources within their school environment. At the Tier 1 level, the focus is to promote a mentally healthy school environment led by the school based team (Administrators, Guidance Counselors, Classroom Teachers, etc). Tier 2 supports include board employees who provide early intervention and consultation (Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Child and Youth Workers, Special Education Coordinators, Program Specialists, etc). Our focus at Tier 3 is to attend to crisis situations, following board protocols and providing assessment and treatment accordingly (Chief Psychologist, Mental Health Lead, Crisis Intervention from psychology staff, and links to the community). School and central staff can also facilitate access to resources and community mental health services that are culturally sensitive and responsive.


Elementary students and/or their caregivers are encouraged to speak with their child’s Teacher if they have concerns about social, emotional or behavioural needs.  At times, the teacher may be the one who reaches out to the caregiver if they have noticed changes or challenges for the student.  Parents are also invited to also speak to the school administration for any concerns regarding the mental well-being of their child. Together, the caregiver, teacher and administrator can determine if further support is needed.

Secondary students and their caregivers can reach out directly to a Teacher, Student Success Teacher, Guidance Counselor, Campus Minister or Administrator.

For more information, contact the WECDSB Mental Health Lead, Danielle Campo McLeod at (519) 253-2481  ext. 1111

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