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Treaty Recognition Week

November 1-7, 2021: Treaties Recognition Week

The truth about treaties?
The history of our country is complicated, but our motto, “A Mari usque ad Mare” – from sea to sea – reminds us of a simple truth: Our great nation was made possible by the treaties forged between Indigenous Peoples and the settlers to Canada. Treaties are promises.

Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board reminds us that “We are all Treaty People”. During the upcoming week, we are committed to helping students, staff, and the public learn about treaties from diverse Indigenous perspectives, which will encourage a greater understanding of the importance of treaties in Ontario.

Treaties negotiated in Ontario over the past 250 years are the foundation of the relationship between governments and Indigenous peoples. They represent a mutual commitment to building a prosperous future for everyone. Historical treaties are important to the ongoing relationship between the Crown and First Nations and are still relevant today. By building an understanding of these agreements, we are moving towards reconciliation with Indigenous people. This helps create equitable and respectful relationships, enabling a better way forward together.

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